How do commuters use curb space?

Team Members: Jose Machado, Eric Whitmire

This interactive visualization aims to facilitate the exploration of over 6,000 passenger pick-up/drop-off operations happening in a city block street segment during during rush hours between December 2018 and January 2019. This dataset shows Boren Ave N between Harrison and Thomas, near Amazon. Specifically, we aim to answer the question 'How is the curb space used?' and we consider the number of passengers who are picked up or dropped off along with time and location information.

How many passengers use the crosswalks to load/unload? Do people disembark in No Parking zones that could block traffic? How do pickup/dropoff patterns change throughout the day? Use the visualizations below to explore these and other questions.

Dra or brush on the plot below to explore how passenger throughout changes throughout the day. The right plot shows which zones see the most passenger throughput.

The plot below shows how pickups and dropoffs are distributed among different zones along the street.